
The Mother and Child

theme is one that a lot of artists and sculptors come across at least once. This is my version. The motivation and origin are better explained on the pages made while this was a work in progress, while it was still in wax. Essentially it concerns the conflict some mothers experience during the time they find themselves with a child when it isn't convenient or even desired. The actual formation of this piece stems from a challenge to see just what I could do with wax that I couldn't do in any other medium. This piece would be virtually impossible to create any other way, and from my experience, just as difficult to duplicate or make a mold of. A lot of the challenge was to compensate for the shrinkage of the metal during the casting process so it'd fit the stone, which doesn't shrink at all. One element of this piece had to be cast separately due to a difference in metal mass compared to the rest of the piece and then welded in place with the stone set in it's flower. The stone is a particular flavor of Alabaster that is a very sensual pink with a lighter colored, thin veining, and very beautiful in itself. The colors chosen for the patina correspond to the dark nature of the subject and as a way to accent and contrast with both the polished flowing edges and the lightness of the stone.

Bronze Details

Alabaster Details

Title: Mother and Child

Medium: Bronze and Alabaster

Edition Size: 1/1 (Original)

Copyright Date: 1996

Size: 13' x 8" x 8"

Price: $13,000

Since this was created once in wax, and then translated directly to Bronze, there is only one of this piece. It's way too complicated to make a mold of, so there will be no editions. This is it. For the first two showings I put a price of $13,000 on it, and that worked to keep it in my posession. I'm not real anxious to sell it, as when it's gone, it's gone, but if someone wants it bad enough to trade about four months of their life, like I did, for it, just let me know, and we'll talk.

Please note: All the images you see and the pages you see them on are covered by copyright laws and it's a lot cheaper to deal with me directly than not. Thanks for supporting the rights of the artists.

Copyright 1995 - 2001 by Michael Dunn

All rights reserved


P O Box 455
Boulder Creek

Phone: 408-395-0881


Last updated on September 20, 2002